Our story . . . the short version
Our first home was the ultimate fixer-upper. We bought the house because Brenda’s dad agreed to help us. We did everything to that house, including the foundation. Brenda’s dad taught us a lot and helped us through the tough spots.

Our next house was a two-story Victorian that we bought as-is. We were on our own for that one. Our parents called it “the money pit.” We gained even more skills as we tackled projects that were new to us.
Our next home was a new construction. We found a company that would finance us if we bought the materials and the house-plans from them. We built according to their plans (mostly) and had the house finished in 10 months with the help of family and friends. We hired the concrete basement and the carpet. The rest we did ourselves.
The start of our business
We had a new home and were looking for a new challenge so we started a handyman business. After a few years of learning the “business” of having a business, Brenda took a faux-finishing class and we had a two-track business. Eventually, we dropped the handyman side of our business and specialized in high-end hand-crafted wall finishes.
As the market changed we moved to refinishing kitchen cabinets. We kept our handyman skills sharp by doing small repairs and installations for our clients while we were working in their home.
Then we bought a third fixer-upper; a bank-owned home that had been vacant for several years. We moved walls, opened up walls, and raised the kitchen ceiling.
Now we are shifting our business again. We’re going back to our roots. We are providing handyman services specializing in small projects and repairs. Yes, we have the skills for large-scale renovations. But we specialize in the niche of giving excellent service for our clients who need the kind of work other companies won’t make time to do.
Brenda offers her skills as a trained and certified color consultant to our clients who want to get the right colors for their house without the hassle and expense of trial and error.
How can we help you?
Call or text Eric @ 913-579-3354